

鑫隆電子成立於 2019年,公司主要經營美光DRAM、DRAM Module、NAND Flash、NOR Flash、SSD、Managered NAND等記憶體類的產品,公司本著以存儲記憶體相關產品的解決方案為出發點,提供客戶完整的快閃記憶體解決方案。之後,又跨足安防、監控、電視、機頂盒等等有用到各種記憶體的相關應用與市場。讓客戶在最短的時間內,可以將產品完成並上市。降低行情漲跌的風險,提高獲利。 公司客戶群體跨及網路通訊、電腦、消費電子市場,十分健全,展望未來我們將立足存儲市場,加強與客戶的深化合作,未来我們將持續爭取與全球國際大廠的合作,致力於提供客戶更豐富的產品選擇、專業的技術服務支持,和更好的平臺。成為供貨商與客戶的最佳合作夥伴,共創雙贏。

Goldenflash was established in 2019, started with memory product in the very beginning. We started with memory product total solution, we provided our customers with Micron DRAM, DRAM module, NAND Flash, NOR flash, Managered NAND and SSD total solution. After that, we also focused on all kinds of product and market that need memory products such as security, surveillance, HD TV, Set Top Box … etc. Our customers will have shorter time to market, in order to reduce the risk of spot market and increase the gross margin. Goldenflash will continuously working with major brands and major customers to create a better platform and win win situation for every party.